

Hello people , hope y'all are good. This blog is on 10 of my favorite, creative and unique FOSS apps. Let's get started:- 1. NOICE:                         For a lot of people, a little background noise is helpful to calm down and focus. In some cases, it's also a boost to productivity. Background noise (ambience) can also help minimize the effects of stress. Noice is an app that allows you to create a customised ambience using clips from environmental noise sources. Create your perfect surroundings by combining different sounds to drown out distractions so you can focus on your work, or generate serene, peaceful environments that encourage you to fall asleep. 2. BIRDAY:                     A simple yet useful birthday manager. Birday is free and ad-free! This app was created to remember and manage events in a simple and effective way. The app contains some basic personalization options and an introduction, plus some new resources like animated vector drawables and the auto


Hello people , welcome back to my blog. Now the topic I chose for today is blog is One of interests that I have never talked about. And if you are very possessive about privacy and security in your mobiles then you are in the right place. This blog is one the the top 12 FOSS apps that are a must have for your phone. ( FOSS:- Free and Open Source Apps ). 1. SIGNAL                         Signal is used all around the world for texting people from anywhere and anytime. It also provides HD voice and video calling features. Signal is End-to-End encrypted , no one can read your chats except you. Another apps that you can use as an alternative to Signal are Element and Session. Element is based on matrix, which is  decentralised for data ownership. Get this App on: Google Play Store:  Click Here IOS App Store:  click here                                                                                                                                  2. BITWARDEN:                              


 Hello everyone , hope you all are good. Today's blog is on  :- SCHOOL'S RE-OPENING As everyone knows schools have re-opened after months of Covid -19 lockdown on Feb 1st. Well some kids were happy and some were sad. Well I was both. I hardly got today free to write a blog. I come home everyday and I am so tired I am not able to do anything. Honestly I kinda miss online classes , sit comfortably in your home , eating something every hour πŸ‘- seems perfect.  Now is like wake up early in the morning , get ready, take your bag , go to school, sit there for hours , come back home and do your homework πŸ‘ˆ now that is exhausting. Now we get home work everyday. We got so lazy during this lockdown I am wondering how I used to attend school , write all my homeworks , complete my projects and study for my tests. comment down below if you like going to school or prefer to stay home. One benefit is that you get to meet your friends everyday.  Well I am going to say that if you are going to


 H ey guys , welcome back to my blog. Hope you all are good. Today's blog is about:- HAEMOGLOBIN What is Haemoglobin?  Haemoglobin is the protein molecule in   red blood cells   that carries oxygen from the   lungs   to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. Haemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are connected together.Each globulin chain contains an important iron-containing porphyrin compound termed heme. Embedded within the heme compound is an iron atom that is vital in transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood. The iron contained in hemoglobin is also responsible for the red color of blood. ☝Above are the correct level of hemoglobin in humans according to age. Now if you are suffering with low haemoglobin you should it the following products to increase the haemoglobin:- ⁕Dry fruits like dates and figs ⁕Green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach ⁕Soy products including Tofu ⁕meat and fis


Hey guys welcome back to my blog , hope you all are good. This blog is going to be just for you and by the end you can know what kind of person are you. So this how its going to work I am going  to give you a few questions and options and which letter you chose the most read the discription about it. Lets get started :- 1. The first thing you notice when you meet a person is: A) eyes B) smile C) personality D) hair 2. My dream house is: A) castle B) beach house C) mansion D) penthouse 3. My fave type of movie is: A) a Disney princess movie B) an animated adventure movie C) a fantasy movie D) a superhero movie 4. My fave emoji is: A) 😍 B) 😜 C) πŸ˜‚ D) 😎 5. My fave ice cream flavor: A) strawberry shortcake B) birthday cake C) chocolate cookie dough D) cotton candy 6. Pick your fave city: A) New York City B) Paris C) Miami D) Texas 7. How do you want to be remembered? A) powerful and wealthy B) thoughtful and artistic C) kind and loyal D) brilliant and world-changing 8. Pick your dream p


Hey guys welcome back to my blog. Hope you all are this blog is about:- MY LOVE FOR FOOD I love food. I love eating , I love cooking. I am actually obsessed with baking. I am not always a successful cook but I want to perfect my skills in baking. I love making food like cakes , pastries , cremeux , and all kinds of desserts. I also tried a few savoury dishes and was pretty success in making them. I absolutely love watching Master Chef Australia.  Its fun to know new flavors and recipes. I love Chocolate. Hey who doesn't. I recently tried making pasta and cupcakes and both were pretty delish. Lockdown is going on and I feel like I am eating too much. I think every night that wake up early tomorrow and work out but I wake up but I don't feel like working out. I will start working out from tomorrowπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ Well that is it for today's blog. If you feel the same about food please share this as much as you can. And don't forget to comment what is your favorite food.