Hey guys welcome back to my blog , hope you all are good. This blog is going to be just for you and by the end you can know what kind of person are you. So this how its going to work I am going to give you a few questions and options and which letter you chose the most read the discription about it. Lets get started :- 1. The first thing you notice when you meet a person is: A) eyes B) smile C) personality D) hair 2. My dream house is: A) castle B) beach house C) mansion D) penthouse 3. My fave type of movie is: A) a Disney princess movie B) an animated adventure movie C) a fantasy movie D) a superhero movie 4. My fave emoji is: A) π B) π C) π D) π 5. My fave ice cream flavor: A) strawberry shortcake B) birthday cake C) chocolate cookie dough D) cotton candy 6. Pick your fave city: A) New York City B) Paris C) Miami D) Texas 7. How do you want to be remembered? A) powerful and wealthy B) thoughtful and artistic C) kind and loyal D) brilliant and world-changing 8. Pick your dre...